December 13, 2021 3 min read

A little bit of escapism is always lovely, especially when you can book a ticket on a plane and escape to faraway mountains and forests. But of course, not everyone has the privilege to pick up and leave whenever they want. Thankfully, the power of wood scents can help bridge the gap between where we are and where we’d rather be.

In today’s blog, we’re going to showcase three of our favorite fragrances and how they can take you on a sensory journey from the comfort of your home.

Read on!

Profound and intriguing

Sandalwood in Oak

Sandalwood has long been associated with the forests of South West Asia and calls back to a time of mysticism and adventure that can awaken the senses and make the mind wander.

If you’re looking for something to take you away on a voyage of discovery far from the biting winds of winter, then you can’t do much better than our Sandalwood in Oak fragrance.

Profound and intriguing, the Sandalwood in Oak, or Santal en Chêne, fragrance is a transcendent blend of Smoked Sage and Burnt Sugar that emerge from the purity of Sandalwood combined with creamy vanilla. All of this is based in the deep fragrance of oak wood to bring home these elements into a single, profound blend.

This fragrance takes everything you could encounter in an exotic getaway. It distills it into a singular sensory experience that will have you pining for the perfect Indian Chai Tea, even if you’ve never had one before!

Golden textures

Oud in Acacia

Suppose you’re looking for something a bit warmer and fruitier in your escapist fantasies? Then look no further than the Oud in Acacia.

An exclusive mix of the mercurial Oud and the brighter golden textures of Immortelle and Orris, this fragrance pops with a sumptuous warmth that feels luxurious on the senses and makes any home feel the dark incandescence of a summer sunset in the southern hemisphere.

This fragrance is also based around the fruity and floral aroma of the Acacia while also adding hints of Rose and Amberwood to enhance the extensive bouquet further. Use the Oud en Acacia for the chilly December evenings before dinner to add a balmy opulence to your home.

Warmth and spiciness

For many, the winter signals a triumphant return of the Festive season, with decorations and celebrations occurring throughout December. If you’re looking to capture the magic of the holidays into a sensory delight, then our Oak in Bourbon fragrance could be the one for you.

Featuring a sophisticated blend of Oakwood and American Bourbon, this fragrance takes the smoothness of Oak and combines that with the warmth and spiciness of Bourbon to create an addictive bouquet that can quickly become a signature fragrance for the holiday season.

This fragrance gives hints of Ginger and Star Anise that further add to the sweet and spicy aromas of the festivities, with the entire bouquet becoming even more elegant and earthy as the scent grows darker with use, creating a smell that matures as the season progresses.

That’s it for today’s blog, be sure to check back in the week as we delve deeper into the exciting world of luxury barrel-aged scents for the home and personal use.