December 16, 2021 3 min read

Oozing a comforting sense of place with its deep and smoky profile, the scent of wood is an obvious favorite for the winter months. When paired with a candle or the crackle of a fireplace, wood scents of all kinds allow you to immerse yourself in a sense of earthiness and warmth that’s seldom matched.

Wood scents are the perfect aroma for cuddling up in a blanket on a cool December night to enjoy the comfort and coziness that winter can bring.

In today’s blog, we’ll be deep-diving into the magic aroma of wood scents and how you can find the perfect barrel-aged wood scent for your home.

Read on!

Broad Definition

The hidden power of wood scents is in the sheer breadth of their profiles, with layers of both sharp and lingering odors residing inside the broader aroma. Each earthy note will ground your present experience and create a feeling of peace and comfort that few other fragrances can match.

Many wood scent bouquets are also similarly associated with anxiety-reducing benefits, with wood scents having the uncanny ability to whisk you away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, even if only for a moment.

The more prominent features of the wood scent aromas will enchant and comfort you in equal measure, with calming earthy scents of oak, chestnut, and birch often forming the foundations of most wood scents. All the while, enchanting flickers of creamy sandalwood, spicy bourbon, and sweet amber provide a gorgeous counterpoint that helps make many wood scents come alive when experienced.

Finding the Right Wood Scent for You

If you’re having trouble discovering your own signature wood scent to use in your home, then don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with a brief overview of that to look for based on the mood you’re trying to capture.

To start, if you want your home to exude a sense of sophistication and warmth to your home, then it is best to start with our Oud in Oak fragrance.

The Oud in Oak captures the luxurious side of wood scents by blending the earthy grounding of Oak with the opulence of Oud. Take in notes of saffron and leather, as well as hints of spice, in this gorgeous aroma that will transcend your guests’ expectations.

For a sharper, fruitier texture, our Cedar in Acacia fragrance is the perfect example, with a unique aroma that calls back to hazy summer sunsets and the warmth of the sun at dawn. This fragrance blends Cedar and Acacia to create a spicy and warm aroma profile that parks with hints of ginger and cinnamon.

Finally, if you’re looking for something that warms the soul during even the coldest of winter nights, then look no further than the oak in Bourbon fragrance. With an explosive combination of Oak earth tones with the spiced delights of American bourbon, this fragrance carries hints of vanilla, ginger, and star anise to create a rich and vibrant blend that encourages a warm and inviting space to relax inside.

That’s it for today’s blog, be sure to check back in the week as we delve deeper into the exciting world of luxury barrel-aged scents for the home and personal use.