March 25, 2022 3 min read


A large part of our story as a business comes from the passion we have for the natural world and the splendor that can be enjoyed when we take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the natural flora and fauna that surrounds us.

Often, we can find ourselves feeling increasingly disconnected from the world around us, making it hard to appreciate the spiritually fulfilling benefits of the forests adequately.

One of the best ways to understand what we’re trying to communicate with our fragrances is through the knowledge in the groundbreaking novelThe Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, which details the wisdom learned by the author from decades of studying the incredible creatures that surround us.

In today's blog, we want to dive deeper into the concepts presented in the book and how these ideas have shaped our product line, giving you a better understanding of our fragrances and what can be achieved when engaging with the purpose of our fragrances.

How Trees Feel

The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

One of the core elements of The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben is the author's goal of unveiling the mysterious inner worlds of trees to showcase how they live, feel, and communicate. Part of this is told from the position that trees live much longer lives than humans, making their communities and priorities much different than humans.

However, this shouldn’t take away from the fact that trees share more in common with humans than we’d probably admit, with social structures and exchanges of information that become far more complex than what has previously been common knowledge.

The old forests of the world are profoundly important to human cultures, making it potentially devastating should these incredible landscapes be eliminated by deforestation.

Our Journey of Inspiration


A vital tenant ofThe Hidden Life of Trees is the approach espoused by Wohlleben, who argues that lessons are learned from our earthly cousins by taking a slower approach to the challenges of life.

A key example of the profound relationship between trees and humans is the Japanese practice of “forest-bathing” - orShinrin Yoku, where people meditate while surrounded by the forest, leading to profound mental-health benefits in practitioners.

It’s this transformative sense of calm and healing that we aim to remake through our signature fragrances, where we harness the power of the forest at every stage of creation to craft aromas and scents that bring us back to the roots of our relationship with nature.

Plum In Cognac | Prunier En Cognac 


One of our fragrances,Plum in Cognac byPascal Gaurin, exemplifies our goals and alignment with the principles outlined byThe Hidden Life of Trees.

The fragrance results from a profound combination of everything we believe our fragrances should potentially have. A sensual heart of decedent plum is enriched by notes of spicey cinnamon, tobacco, and nutmeg. This is followed by calming hints of vanilla and vetiver that are all at once grounded by an elegant oak base that results from our cognac barrel-aging process.

The finished result is an award-winning fragrance that speaks to the heart with a nourishing and provocative blend of the natural and indulgent.

That’s it for today’s blog, be sure to check back in the week as we delve deeper into the exciting world of luxury barrel-aged scents for the home and personal use.